Graded Calf Sales

Farm Fresh Feeder Calves sold in September!

  • Calves best suited to these sales are spring born, unweaned calves right off the cow. Only steer and heifer calves are graded but bull calves are also accepted.
  • They are weighed at unloading and graded according to USDA standards by a trained  representative of the WV Dept of Ag.
  • Calves are sold in commingled lots of same sex, weight, color, frame and muscling grade.
  • We have a large pool of buyers locally as well as across the United States who buy these calves every year.
  • If you have weaned, vaccinated, yearling type, or several bull calves you may benefit from selling at one of our regular Saturday Sales. Give us a call and we will be glad to help you come up with a plan to get the most $$ from your cattle!

Looking to buy or sell?

Call us at 304-269-5096 or email us!
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